Friday, July 10, 2009

Are you content?

Contentment: Happy with what you have; not wanting anything else; satisfied

It's something that we all struggle in life; I often catch myself wanting something that isn't mine or I don't need. It clearly states in the last of the 10 commandments; "Thou shalt not covet." One verse in the Bible states: 'Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for HE Himself has said, "I will NEVER leave your NOR forsake you' (Heb.13:5) 'Not what I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.' (Phill. 4:11)
I am so happy with what God has given me; a home, a family, the Bible, a pool, food, and best of all, salvation. Sometimes I take these things for granted and I think I need/want more in order to be happy. My mom tells me that if you were happy without something you don't need before you even saw it, then you don't really need it after all.
Now I know I'm probably gonna want something in the future that I positively don't need I'm gonna try to discipline myself to not be greedy and to be satisfied with what I have.



  1. Great post Brianna!
    I know that I struggle with contentment sometimes...especially with the goats right now, but the Lord is helping me through it!! Thank you so much for the bible verses and encouragement!


  2. This was a great post Brianna! Thanks for this insightful and encouraging musing.

