Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Benjamin!

October 2008

Summer 2009

14 years ago today, Benjamin John Van Dyke saw the world for the very first time with his little brown eyes; 8lbs. and 1 oz. and 21 in.
As I look back, I have so many unforgettable, hilarious and wonderful memories of him. Jokes, playing beanies babies together, late night talks, getting distracted during school ;) etc.
I have enjoyed watching him grow through the years. He's getting so much taller! I still have him by a couple in. but, I know that's not gonna last long ... lol

But most importantly, I've enjoyed watching him increase his faith in God. I'm so thankful to have such a godly brother that watches out me, loves me (which may seem a bit impossible at times ....) and encourages me. I pray that he will keep on being a young man after God's own heart.

I have 2 favorite talents of his: One is his voice when he praises God; he has an amazing voice (which he has trouble admitting sometimes :) ) I love listening to him when he's having his voice lessons, practicing, in the shower ;) He'll sing pretty much all the time at home.

The 2nd, is his hilarious sense of humor. That's what our family loves about him. What would the world be like without brothers with a good sense of humor? Pretty boring ....

I'll be having a bad day and suddenly Benjamin will tell me something that makes me giggle. I can always count on him to make me laugh. Always. Like I said a couple posts ago, he's the family clown :-)

Other then singing and joking around, Benjamin has many other hobbies. Like boyscouts; He's in First Class, almost in Star. I'm so proud of what he has accomplished.

Benji has loved animals his entire life so he's really into biology or anything that has something to do with God's amazing creatures.

Benjamin is and always has been, my best friend for life. I'm so grateful God specifically chose him to be my brother.
I can't wait to see what God has for his future. All I know is that we will never end this awesome journey with him.
I love you so much Benjamin! Hope you had a fantastic 14th birthday!!!



  1. Happy Birthday, Benjamin! Hope you have a blessed year~


  2. Happy belated Birthday, Benji! I had no idea you were so gifted and so loved!
